Here is a quick video tutorial on how to use the T-SQL GetDate function on SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014 or newer. This was originally part of my free SQL query training for the 70-461 certification exam. Here is the sample code that goes with the video. See Also Additional Training on my YouTube Channel Free SQL Query Training 70-461 …

Using the TSQL GetDate Function Read more »

Here is a quick video tutorial on how to use the T-SQL CASE function on SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014 0r newer. This was originally part of my free SQL query training for the 70-461 certification exam. Here is the sample or demo code from the video tutorial. More Info: Additional Training on my YouTube Channel Free SQL Query Training …

Using the TSQL CASE Statement Read more »

>>> Try our JOIN Types Course Today! After learning the INNER JOIN when querying SQL Server, the LEFT OUTER JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN are often what people attempt to learn next. The reason that I say attempt is that most people don’t get OUTER JOINs right the first time they learn it. This becomes very clear when interviewing developers and …


Here is a short video tutorial that shows how to use the CHOOSE function in T-SQL on SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014 or Newer. This was originally part of my free SQL query training for the 70-461 certification exam. Here is the sample code that goes along with the CHOOSE function training. This sample code has been tested and confirmed …

Using the TSQL CHOOSE Function Read more »

Here is a short video tutorial that shows how to use the COALESCE function in T-SQL on SQL Server. This was originally part of my free SQL query training for the 70-461 certification exam. Here is the first sample code from the video: And then the code that shows the performance differences: More Info: Additional Training on my YouTube Channel …

Using the TSQL COALESCE Function Read more »

In this presentation we will be training on TSQL Functions, there will be three sections. —Date and Time Functions —Logical Functions —User Defined Functions Here is the link to the Google On Air Broadcast where you can watch live (or recorded later) for free. Here are the slides. And here is the broadcast at YouTube: This session will be …

SQL Training – Functions (70-461) Read more »

You can use the TSQL DATEPART function to extract individual parts of the date from a date or time item. For instance: Will return the following output:   The second parameter is the date/time element which can be any of these types: time, date, smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2, or datetimeoffset.   Lets take a look at the possible options for the first …

The TSQL DATEPART Function Read more »