The Bellingham SQL Server Users Group will be having its next meeting on May 20th at 6:00pm. This is free event for the local SQL Server community. What is the Bellingham SQL Server Users Group? PASS Chapters are local user groups that meet regularly in communities around the world to share their passion and knowledge about Microsoft SQL Server and …

Bellingham SQL Server Users Group – May 20th Read more »

Yesterday I blogged about submitting to SQL Saturday Denver, which is about 5 months away, after writing that post, I realized that I haven’t even blogged about SQL Saturday Redmond which is occurring in just over 2 weeks. SQL Saturday #393 Redmond marks just 3 years since my first time speaking at a SQL Saturday #108 in Redmond. So lets …

SQL Saturday Redmond Read more »

This year the Denver SQL Saturday is being held on September 19th. I believe it has been 2 years since I attended SQL Saturday in Denver.  Since the last time I was at SQL Saturday Denver, my employment has changed. Previously I was employed as a full time employee at a local company. Now I am a freelance database consultant at …

SQL Saturday Denver Read more »

You have a need to keep track of all insert, update and delete actions on a table, or multiple tables. As you consider solutions, you might think about using a trigger, however triggers have their own baggage. You consider using the OUTPUT clause to log to a changes table, but then realize that the output clause cant be enforced. Then the …

TSQL – Change Data Capture Read more »

It is my pleasure to announce the winners in the Week 3 Database Corruption Challenge. But first how about a rundown of challenge. The challenge was issued at 10:00pm (pacific time) on Friday night. Yes, this was a difficult time for those on the East coast of the US, and if you are from EST, next week I promise the …

Database Corruption Challenge Week 3 Results Read more »

Welcome to week 3 of the database corruption challenge. Hi, I am Steve Stedman and I have created this challenge to help the best and brightest SQL Server DBAs on the planet test their skills and to show expertise to the world. The winner last week was Rob Farley, I would just like to congratulate him again on winning the …

Week 3 of the Database Corruption Challenge Read more »

After two great weeks of the database corruption challenge, week 3 is approaching. I have a few things to announce as we go into week 3. The database corruption challenge will run over 10 weeks at which point another challenge will begin, and everyone will start out with a fresh score, sort of like bowling. This post I am going …

Database Corruption Challenge Week 3 Approaching Read more »

When you are looking for deadlocks there are, like most things in SQL Server, more than one way to find the deadlocks. This article is specifically focused on using the SQL Server ERRORLOG file located in the LOG directory for the SQL instance. If you used the defaults on SQL Server 2012, this log would be at this location: C:\Program …

Deadlock and Trace Flags 1204 and 1222 Read more »