Here is the solution provided by Patrick Flynn. Congratulations Patrick for being one of this weeks winners. I really liked this solution for a number  of reasons, first it showed how to pull data from DBCC Page and actually convert it into rows and columns that could then be inserted back into a table. Secondly due to its use of …

Corruption Challenge 4 – Alternate Solution Read more »

So many times I have been asked for help with a query, where the question really comes down to the understanding of the difference between INNER and LEFT or RIGHT JOINs. This will help >>> Try our new JOIN Types Course I created this poster a few years ago and I keep it posted on the wall at the office. …

TSQL JOIN Types Poster (Version 4) Read more »

Congratulations to Randolph West who won the corruption challenge this week with the following solution which restored all of the data. First he restored the database to get started. Note some of his code and comments have been reformatted to better fit in the blog format. Restore database. I use KEEP_CDC and KEEP_REPLICATION because of the hints you dropped in …

Corruption Challenge Week 4 – The Winning Solution Read more »

It is my pleasure to announce the winners in the Week 4 Database Corruption Challenge. But first how about a rundown of challenge. In order to make up for the difficult time that Challenge #3 was issued, Challenge #4 was issued at 2:00pm pacific time on a Friday afternoon. Those who had signed up for my Newsletter received early notification of …

Database Corruption Challenge Week 4 Results Read more »

The following are the steps that I went through to create a more difficult Database Corruption Challenge for Week 4. Here is how I built the database, nothing fancy, however I did add an extra FILEGROUP called [UserObjects]. Notice, that to make things slightly more challenging, the database is a Case Sensitive Accent Sensitive database. I hope this didn’t cause …

Week 4 – Building the Corrupt Database Read more »

Can you solve Week 4 of the Database Corruption Challenge? 17 hours after launching the fourth in the series of Database Corruption Challenges, so far 1 winner, and many people asking for additional clues. My goal this week was to make a more difficult challenge that involved different methods of recovering the data than any of the previous challenges. Plus being …

Is Database Corruption Challenge #4 Too Diabolical? Read more »

Database Corruption Challenge #4 started about 20 minutes late today due to an upload problem.  The corrupt database file is zipped to 22mb, however wordpress (where my site is hosted) would not let me upload anything bigger than 8mb. After a quick panic, I uploaded the file to a different wordpress site, where Database Health Monitor is hosted, and had no …

Technical details getting started with the challenge this week. Read more »

  Welcome to the Week 4 Corruption Challenge. If you have seen the t-shirt that I designed for the winner at the end of the 10 week period, please take a look. This challenge is more diabolical than previous weeks, at least it was more difficult to build than I had planned for. If I wasn’t out of work this …

Week 4 of the Database Corruption Challenge Read more »

Do you need some help with your SQL Server, but perhaps don’t need another full time DBA? Do you need some help to cover your DBA being out on vacation? Do you need help assessing the health of your SQL Servers, and determining which need work? Do you know if you can recover in the event of database corruption or …

Stedman Solutions: Remote, Skilled DBA Services Read more »

The Database Corruption Challenge (DBCC 2015) t-shirt is now available at CafePress. It looks something like this. Check it out and order one to show your participation in the Database Corruption Challenge. Last week, I mentioned that I would come up with prizes for the contest, and that the prizes would be based on the number of participants each week. So here is …

Database Corruption Challenge T-Shirt Read more »