Those who are subscribed to my newsletter will receive the exact time of the next corruption challenge. For those who have not subscribed, just keep checking back to find out when the next Database Corruption Challenge begins. Here is the latest update on how the challenge has gone so far: Week 1 was just a wild idea that I had to …

Database Corruption Challenge #7 Coming Soon Read more »

After someone reported a small bug in the “two INNER JOINs” diagram, I have created an update to the poster. This is update 4.1, only a minor version upgrade due to only a small change. The thing I love about the SQL Server community is the positive feedback that people give to help improve things. So many times I’ve been …

TSQL JOIN Types Poster (version 21.5) Read more »

If you are looking for more info on the corrupt database with Week 6 of the Database Corruption Challenge, you can take a look at the original post. Week 6 was won by Raul Gonzalez who submitted his winning solution just 45 minutes after the challenge began. Raul has solved 4 of the 6 challenges so far, and has scored …

Week 6 – The Winning Solution – Database Corruption Challenge Read more »

There are many times that CheckDB ends up being extremely slow, sometimes taking more than a day to run. This can make life difficult if you are trying to find out what is corrupt. There are several of the tricks that I use to speed up DBCC CheckDB, depending on the specific environment. What I am looking for is what others do …

Slow CheckDB – What do you do? Read more »

Lately several people have asked me for the solutions to the corruption challenge, so I thought it would be a good time to recap the last 5 weeks. Week 1 of the Database Corruption Challenge was won by Brent Ozar, his solution is posted here. Also there is an alternate solution provided by Andre Kamman. Week 2 of the Database Corruption …

Corruption Challenge Solutions So Far Read more »

Hello everyone, the last week I have not been able to keep everyone as up to date on the Database Corruption Challenge as I would like to. Life has just turned really busy in the last 10 days, but I want to let everyone know that the next corruption challenge is coming soon. There are a few people that I …

Database Corruption Challange 6 – Coming Soon Read more »

Here is how I solved Week 5 of the Database Corruption Challenge. The following steps were tested and confirmed working on SQL Server 2008R2, SQL Server 2012, and SQL Server 2014.   To oversimplify, here are the steps: Restore the last known good database. Shut down the database, and copy off the last good database files. Replace some files and …

Week 5 – Alternate Solution Read more »