After 10 weeks (or almost weekly) of corrupt databases, missing data and a challenging competition the Database Corruption Challenge, finally comes to an end. As part of the last week of the challenge I created a short blog interview for the participants. This interview is with Raul Gonzalez. Raul placed third (in a tie) overall in the Database Corruption Challenge behind Rob Farley, and …

Raul Gonzalez Interview – Database Corruption Challenge Read more »

After 10 weeks (or almost weekly) of corrupt databases, missing data and a challenging competition the Database Corruption Challenge, finally comes to an end. As part of the last week of the challenge I created a short blog interview for the participants. Rob Farley is the overall winner, the champion of the Database Corruption Challenge scoring more points than anyone else.  Congratulations …

Rob Farley Interview – Database Corruption Challenge Read more »

Now that the Database Corruption Challenge has come to an end, I am looking for some feedback from the participants to see what we can do next (if anything) and to learn from the experience. I have created a survey, it is not too long, so please take a minute or two to provide some feedback. I would really appreciate …

Corruption Challenge – Your Opinion Counts Read more »

Today I am proud to announce that the Database Corruption Challenge has come to an end. I would like to say that I have met some really great people during this contest and I look forward to seeing you at PASS Summit in October, or other conference someday. The Corruption Challenge Winners After 10 competitions Rob Farley is the overall Champion …

Announcing the Database Corruption Challenge Winners Read more »

Is a clustered table in SQL Server a BTree or Linked List? When you first learn about the structure behind clustered indexes in SQL Server, you find out that the clustered index is structured as a type of B+Tree where queries that make use of the tree structure to find the rows that you are looking for. However it is not the common …

SQL Server Tables – BTree or Linked List? Read more »

Welcome to Week 10 of the Database Corruption Challenge. I have created a more corrupt, and perhaps more diabolical corruption scenario than previous weeks. This is the last week of 10 in the Database Corruption Challenge. Here is how it works; I have created a corrupt database, then solved the corruption myself in order to prove that it is possible …

Database Corruption Challenge #10 Read more »

The Database Corruption Challenge – Grand Finale The final challenge #10 in the Database Corruption Challenge starts this Friday (July 17th) at 6:00pm (Pacific Time). After 9 other challenges we come to the final competition in this series. Many have competed, many have won, this is your chance to participate. For those who have succeeded in all the other 9 Database Corruption …

Database Corruption Challenge #10 Grand Finale – Starts Friday Read more »

I was asked how I caused the corruption in Database Corruption Challenge #9. Here is how I did it. To cause the corruption, I used the undocumented DBCC WritePage, however the same thing could have been accomplished by detaching the database, opening it with a hex editor, and then re-attaching the db. DBCC WritePage WARNING: DBCC WritePage is a dangerous …

Database Corruption Challenge #9 – How I Corrupted the Database. Read more »

Database Corruption Challenge #9 has completed with 19 winning participants, you can take a look at the scoring page for exact details. The first to solve the challenge this week was Eduardo Rezende who provided the winning solution just 58 minutes after the challenge began. The second winning solution arrived less than a minute after the first, so it was a …

Database Corruption Challenge #9 Complete Read more »

With the recent release of Database Health Monitor Version 2.0 I have decided to focus on of blogging about the features and benefits of the Database Health Monitor application. There are some incredibly valuable features that are often overlooked. The purpose of this blog series is to present some of the features of the product. If you haven’t tried Database …

Database Health Monitor – Historic Waits Read more »