If you use the SQL Server maintenance plans to run DBCC Check DB, you are not allowed to include TempDB in your DBCC CheckDB sequence. For a while I was using maintenance plans, and ending up adding a separate job step to run TSQL to just check TempDB. Rather than using two different steps, the regular maintenance plan, and a …

DBCC CheckDB All Databases Read more »

In the next week or two, I will be releasing version 2.1 of the Database Health Monitor application. I am just going through the final testing process now to get it ready for general release. There are a number of new features that have been requested since the release of version 2.0 that will be coming out in version 2.1. …

Database Health Monitor Version 2.1 coming soon Read more »

From September 15th 2015 to October 1st 2015 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings I will be teaching a Introduction to SQL Server class. Interested you can sign up here:  Class Info and Signup Introduction to SQL Server – Why take this course? This course is intended as an Introduction to SQL Server for business persons or other professionals who have never used …

Introduction to SQL Server Class Read more »

As a DBA you regularly schedule backups you might have regular full backups, incremental backups and hopefully regular backups. Over time you might realize that your error log is not longer filled with errors, but instead a majority of your error log is filled with backup messages. “Backup Database successfully … “,  “Database backed up…”, “Log was backed up”. This …

Silencing Backup Messages with Trace Flag 3226 Read more »

Yesterday I was asked by a client about consulting questions and for my help without the typical minimum hourly commitment. He pointed out that he has things that he could use help with that don’t require a multi-hour type project. After thinking it over a bit, I decided to add a SQL Server coaching program to my consulting business, I …

SQL Server Mentoring – Now Available Read more »

Database corruption repair with SQL Server is one of those things that you generally don’t see every day, but as a DBA, you are expected to be able to fix it quickly without any data loss. From the risk analysis matrix, it is one of those low frequency high impact scenarios that results in an extremely risky situation. This is one …

SQL Server Database Corruption Repair Read more »

Tables, and indexes are organized in SQL Server into 8K chunks called pages. If you have rows that are 100 bytes each, you can fit about 80 of those rows into a given page. If you update one of those rows to have more data that contains a variable length field like VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, and others, that will cause the …

What is a Page Split Read more »

I/O is Frozen on Database. You are scanning your SQL Server Logs and discover the following error messages. There may be a long list of them, one frozen and one resumed for each database on your SQL Server. I/O Is Frozen On Database The error message doesn’t sounds good, I/O frozen… Your SQL Server needs its I/O, and how could frozen …

Error Log: I/O is Frozen On Database Read more »

Last night my website (this site) experienced an outage. Sometime during the night the Mysql process hosting my WordPress website crashed. Too bad there isn’t a WordPress solution that uses a SQL Server database. Things are back now, and the site is working. Knowing so much about SQL Server and high availability, it is difficult to rely on technology like …

Website Outage Read more »