What 2015 meant to me and my business. Stedman Solutions, LLC – Startup After unexpectedly leaving a regular full time employment position on March 31st 2015, the very next day April 1st 2015, Stedman Solutions, LLC was launched. Looking back, perhaps April 1st (April fools day) was not the best day to announce the big event, but I didn’t really …

2015 Review Read more »

The Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads server configuration can improve performance, and is extremely unlikely to negatively impact performance. This was a new feature that was introduced in SQL Server 2008, and as with many new features in SQL Server, it is not turned on by default. What Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads Changes. Without the Optimize for Ad Hoc …

Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads Read more »

Today I participated in my second ever 5K race today, the Bellingham Jingle Bell Run. My running partner (Gypsy the black dog in the picture) accompanied me, and might have increased my speed at a couple of points due to her pulling on the leash. This was as event was a fund raiser for the Arthritis Foundation, which seemed like …

Jingle Bell Run – My second 5K run. Read more »

Today I have the pleasure of releasing the next version of the Database Health Monitor application. Currently at version 2.2, I have been working on this since 2011, and I have introduced some new features in the latest version. Visit the Database Health Monitor Download Page to get it for free today. The main page has been updated, with a …

Database Health Version 2.2 Released Today Read more »

Please help spread the word to anyone who may want to attend this free users group meeting and presentation. The November meeting of the Bellingham SQL Server Users Group (PASS Chapter) will be held on Wednesday November 18th at 6:00pm. Welcoming Ron Talmage from SolidQ with his presentation on Building a Static Data Warehouse Server. The agenda for the meeting …

Bellingham SQL Server Users Group – Building a Static Data Warehouse Server Read more »

Last week I had the great opportunity to speak at PASS Summit 2015. My presentation was on Common Table Expressions.   Here is the sample code from the presentation. AdvancedCTEs.zip   Related Links: Common Table Expression (CTE) Month at SteveStedman.com (introduction) Sample Database for Common Table Expressions Writing Your First Common Table Expression with SQL Server Video: Writing Your First CTE …

Epic Life Goal Completed: Speaking at PASS Summit – Advanced CTEs Read more »

Friday morning at 8:00am at PASS Summit 15 in Seattle, I will be presenting my Advanced Common Table Expressions and Recursive Query Technique session. Advanced Common Table Expressions Here is the abstract: You might have been introduced to Common Table Expressions (CTEs) and understand the WITH syntax, but want to know more. Learn how recursive queries work with CTEs and how …

Advanced Common Table Expressions and Recursive Query Technique Read more »

IF you are browsing your error log and come across an error message stating that “1 transactions rolled forward in database ‘msdb’”, or “X transactions rolled back in database ‘msdb’” you might be a bit alarmed. You might also notice similar error messages for master, tempdb or user databases.   How can this be a good thing? Why are transactions …

Transactions Rolled Back in Database Read more »

Here is a discovery that I made using the Database Health Monitor historic wait monitoring, on a server with slow storage where the backups were being written. If you are seeing excessive waits on the PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETPROCADDRESS wait type and xp_create_subdir is the command with the wait, and this is occurring at the time your backups are being run, it is a …

PREEMPTIVE_OS_GETPROCADDRESS and xp_create_subdir Read more »

The Quick Scan report in Database Health Monitor detects when you are performing SQL Server backups without compression, when the compression option is available. This applies to Full backups, Transaction log backups and Differential backups. Not using compressed backups? Why not? Benefits of compressed backups Faster backup time Faster restore time Less I/O at backup and restore time Since you are …

Using SQL Server Compressed Backups Read more »